Saturday, March 7, 2020

What is Service Writing and How to Start a Career in Writing

What is Service Writing and How to Start a Career in WritingIf you want to start a career in writing, then you should start knowing the difference between what is service writing and creative writing. They are two very different things. Service writing means you write for other people and not for yourself. Creative writing means you do not need to get other people's permission before you use their name or content.The difference between service writing and creative writing is really quite an important thing. You can start a career as a creative writer and be an extremely successful one, but a service writer is just wasting his time and money if he continues doing the same job for the same company year after year.Service writing means you write for other people and not for yourself. It is all about 'networking'. The biggest mistake that most writers make is that they do not network and they always want to be the 'networker' of their own business.What is this 'networking' thing? Network ing is basically finding out information about different companies and people. You do not necessarily need to try and talk to people directly, you can just find out if they have any projects that you could possibly help them with. The trick here is to find out if you can also give them what they need.Service writing is also about networking, but it is more about the word 'network'. There are hundreds of opportunities for you to network, but you must never fall into the trap of giving away your entire contact details and writing 'clients' who are willing to pay you for your service. You can of course try to sell yourself too. However, do not forget to mention 'for free' too!Services are a dime a dozen these days. All you need to do is to find out what is available, where to find out about it and what the costs are. By doing so, you can easily compare different companies and get a rough idea of what they are offering. This way, you can make sure that you get exactly what you are payin g for.So, remember that writing is more than just 'golfing' in the minds of many writers. Service writing is about networking, while creative writing is about selling yourself.

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